Mother of Harlots Part: II

Pete Garcia at Omega Letter Commentary Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that “man of sin be revealed”, “the son of perdition”; Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that…

Mother of Harlots Part 1

by Pete Garcia @ The Omega Letter Commentary Historically, we know Jerusalem and the second temple were conquered and destroyed by the Romans in 70AD by General Titus. Again in 135AD, Emperor Hadrian quelled the Bar Kokhba revolt (132-135AD) and then scattered the remaining Jews abroad, salted the land (so nothing would grow), and then…

PALESTINIAN LEADER SETS OUT HIS THOUGHTS ON ZIONISM – Rewriting history, Abbas calls Israel a ‘colonial project’ unrelated to Judaism

By DOV LIEBER at The Times of Israel In speech ignoring Jewish ties to holy land, PA head implies European Jews chose to die in Holocaust rather than go to Palestine; claims Ben-Gurion forced Mideast Jews to Israel. Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas on Sunday night implied European Jews during the Holocaust chose to undergo…

Biometrics and Big Brother

Commentary by Roger Oakland at Understand The Times International: Roger Oakland Ministries A trend is sweeping the world that has the potential of impacting every person on the planet. It will mandate the way we buy or sell consumer products or identify our location as we move from place to place. Rarely a day goes…

Question: “Why is the idea of eternal damnation so repulsive to many people?”

by Gotquestions?org Answer: In the shifting winds of modern cultures, the idea of everlasting torment and damnation is difficult for many people to grasp. Why is this? The Bible makes it clear that hell is a literal place. Christ spoke more about hell than He did of heaven. Not only Satan and his minions will…

Prophetic Rumblings 2018

by Terry James at Terry James Prophecy Line The Devil at 4 O’Clock is a 1961 movie starring Frank Sinatra and Spencer Tracy. It involves three prisoners who are brought to an island in the South Pacific. The prisoners are to help evacuate a colony of children with leprosy from the island, which is on…

Antichrist’s Incubator

by Terry James at Terry James Prophecy Line Mulling over the astonishing end-times stage-setting we are witnessing for the coming Tribulation, I came to a realization that one of the most prominent signals given in Bible prophecy is strangely on the periphery at the moment. Every other signal God’s Word gives for the end of…

If the penalty for our sins is eternity in hell, how did Jesus’ death pay our penalty if He did not spend eternity in hell?

from Gotquestions?org Answer: If we think of Jesus as merely a man, then this question is a natural one to ask. But the reason Jesus did not have to spend eternity in hell is that He is not merely a man, but the God-man. The second Person of the Godhead took on flesh and lived…